West London Industrial estate Iver Lane, Uxbridge UB8 2JE yard/hardstanding
10,890 sq ft (1,012 sq m)

Within an exceptional and unrivalled gated site we offer an enclosed concreted yard that may suit a variety of uses. Buildings and offices may be available by negotiation. This extremely well managed site offers security cameras and utilities, This yard is enclosed with palisade fencing and has an electric sliding gated entrance. Further details on application. New lease on terms to be agreed.
NOTE: These particulars are intended only as a guide to prospective Purchasers to enable them to decide whether to make further enquiries with a view to taking up negotiations but they are otherwise not intended to be relied upon in any way for any purpose whatsoever and accordingly neither their accuracy nor the continued availability of the property is in any way guaranteed and they are furnished on the express understanding that neither the Agents nor the Vendors are to be or become under any liability or claim in respect of their contents. Any prospective Purchaser must satisfy himself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of the particulars contained.